Frequently Asked Questions for Trip Logbook on iPhone

Our aim with Trip Logbook is simple: To offer you exceptional value. Not only can Trip Logbook save you time and money, but this App can pay for itself.
If you want to get the most out of Trip Logbook, here’s a couple of Do's and Don’ts:

Do try before you buy

Trip Logbook offers you a 30 day free trial to all App features. We do this because we want you to be absolutely sure this App works for you. If at the end of the 30 days, you feel:

  • Trip Logbook is not for you: Please let us know what you did not like and what we can do differently. We take your feedback seriously. This is one of the main drivers behind app features.
  • You did not get the chance to evaluate the App properly: Please let us know. We can extend your free trial. We evaluate and respond to each request.

When your free trial ends, you maintain full access to your data. We do not place your data behind a paywall. You can export all your logbook data in CSV format. You can open this file in any spreadsheet application.

Do follow the initial setup guidance

After installing Trip Logbook, follow and complete the 2 minute in App guidance. This ensures your initial setup is done correctly and provides you with really useful information. If you think you have selected the wrong option(s) during the initial setup, don’t worry. Simply tap the + blue action button in the bottom right corner of the home screen and tap Automate My Vehicle Logbook. Trip Logbook will evaluate your current setup, check dependencies and guide you through the appropriate steps.

Do watch the short demo videos

These no-nonsense videos get to the point quickly. We demonstrate how to effectively use the App. We’ve placed relevant links to these videos throughout the App. You can also access all videos via the Quick Start & Demo Videos option on the main menu.

Do try the Auto and Zero Touch Logging features

Trying to maintain a vehicle logbook manually is problematic. Despite your best intentions, life happens and you will forget to log your trips and you will make mistakes. The best approach is to automate this tedious task. However, automation without control is pointless. Trip Logbook not only automates your trip logging, but provides you with the tools to review, manage and protect your data. It is important to note, that selecting to automate your trip logging, does not prevent you from adding, editing and deleting trips. This functionality remains available, irrespective of your selected logging mode. You can turn off auto logging or change your logging mode as often as you like. You are free to use any combination of the trip logging features. Trip Logbook was designed with flexibility in mind.

Do capture your vehicle financials

This is not required, but highly recommended. Start by tapping on the Vehicle Money icon on the Home/Trip Logs screen. Follow the guidance. Once captured, you will get an instant graphical view of your Vehicle Cost vs Recovery(per KM). Most of us are unaware how much our vehicle actually cost us. This will provide you with valuable insight and offer another perspective on that “quick trip” you’re about to take.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re unsure about something

If you get stuck or if you want to know something, please reach out to us via the Support option on the main menu. You’ll be glad you did. We respond. We fix.

Do backup your data

We do not collect any of your logbook data nor do we send this to our servers. Your logged trip data is stored locally on your device only. It stands to reason, if we collect no data, no data can be accessed by anyone. We’re pretty serious about user privacy. The only way anyone else will have access to your data, is if you export the data and disclose it to someone. Because of user privacy concerns and the fact that we do not store your logbook data on our servers, we empower you to backup your logbook data. We encourage you to regularly create a backup using Trip Logbook’s Backup/Restore feature. This is accessible via the main menu. We also strongly recommend that you often export all your logbook data to CSV format using the All Trips Report under Reports, Exports and Calculators (accessible via the main menu).

Don’t assume we’re affiliated with SARS

We have no affiliation with SARS. We are not endorsed by SARS. Trip Logbook aims to record and produce your vehicle logbook in a format that is as closely aligned to SARS requirements as possible.

Do contact your tax practitioner or check the SARS website

Contact your SARS authorized tax practitioner or check the SARS website if you have any doubt. Remember, you remain responsible for your tax affairs.

Do contact us if you discover any errors or discrepancies

If you discover any errors or discrepancies, please notify us via the Support option on the main menu so that we can correct these. Always double check your generated reports and exports for accuracy, especially those that will be submitted to SARS.

Don’t simply dismiss this App because it's not free

Offering our users this App requires continued commitment, effort and is an expensive endeavor. We have to balance this reality with the fact that budgets are under pressure. Everything we do, is therefore aimed at ensuring you get the most value, at the best price. This is an ongoing process. We have two fundamental objectives:

  1. Trip Logbook must work really well.
  2. Trip Logbook must have the ability to pay for itself.

We believe Trip Logbook can do just that. If you disagree, please reach out to us and tell us where we can improve.

Initially, we recommend that you take a moment and try out the CarPlay connect and disconnect process in your vehicle. This will allow you to get a feel for the process in a controlled environment. You'll be able to see how long the connect and disconnect events take to run.

Here are a couple of basic troubleshooting checks you can perform:

  1. The first time you connect your phone to CarPlay, you may find the CarPlay Connect Personal Automation will run as expected, however almost immediately the CarPlay Disconnect Personal Automation will run as well. This is despite the phone still being connected to CarPlay. If this happens, you can try either of these two quick actions:

    • Disconnect your iPhone from CarPlay and then reconnect to CarPlay again. Subsequant Carplay Connect and Disconnect events should function normally. We're not entirely sure what causes this behaviour. It does however appear to follow a phone reboot or when the personal automations run the very first time. Do keep in mind, the auto starting and stopping of trips using the CarPlay Automations are handled externally by the Apple Shortcuts App and iOS.
    • Start your very first trip manually on the Car Play console. Simply launch Trip Logbook on your CarPlay console. On the Start a Trip screen, tap your vehicle to start the trip. Again, subsequant Carplay Connect and Disconnect events should function normally.

  2. Watch the Quick Start - CarPlay Personal Automations setup video and verify that you created the CarPlay Connect and Disconnect Automations correctly in the Apple Shortcuts App.
  3. Ensure you granted Trip Logbook, Always Location Permission. This does not mean that Trip Logbook will track your location all the time. When you are driving and your phone is locked and/or the screen is off, Trip Logbook is in the background. I.e. it is not in a "While Using the App" state. If Trip Logbook is granted 'Always Location Permission, your trips can be auto started, tracked and logged when Car Play Connects and Disconnects, even if your phone is locked. I.e. Location tracking only starts when CarPlay connects and stops when Carplay disconnects.
  4. Check that your iPhone runs at least iOS 16. If not, you should be able to upgrade your phone by going to the Settings App, tap on General. Then go to Software Update and check for updates. iOS 16 is required to use the Trip Logbook App on the CarPlay console. If you cannot upgrade to iOS 16 you can still use Auto Logging Carplay and your trips can be started, stopped and logged automatically. You will just not be able to interact with Trip Logbook via the CarPlay Console.
  5. Ensure that you have launched Trip Logbook at least once on the CarPlay console, after installing Trip Logbook.
  6. If the problem is still not resolved, disconnect your phone from CarPlay, close Trip Logbook, close the Apple Shortcuts App and shut down and restart your iPhone. After powering on your phone, just wait 5 minutes for all your phone services to start up properly. Then try connecting your phone to CarPlay again. The connect/disconnect problem described in the step above may present itself because this is the first time you connect to CarPlay after the phone was restarted. Simply disconnect your phone from CarPlay and connect your phone again. Things should now work as expected.
  7. Keep in mind that the auto starting and stopping of trips using the CarPlay Automations are handled externally by the Apple Shortcuts App and iOS. At the time of writing these basic troubleshooting steps, the latest iOS version is 16.3. We found that the Apple Shortcuts App and iOS stability improved over the last couple of releases. Always check that your iPhone runs the latest iOS version, if possible. If this still does not work for you, please contact Trip Logbook support via the Support option on the App's Main menu.

Here is a couple of basic troubleshooting checks you can perform:

  1. Ensure that you have granted Trip Logbook, Always Location Permission. This does not mean that Trip Logbook will track your location all the time. When you are driving and your phone is locked and/or the screen is off, Trip Logbook is in the background. I.e. it is not in a "While Using the App" state. If Trip Logbook is granted 'Always Location Permission, your trips can be auto started, tracked and logged when you leave and arrive at your Places, even if your phone is locked. I.e. Location tracking only starts when you leave a Place and stops when you arrive at one of your Places.
  2. Ensure that you have created a Place for your current location. A trip should be auto started when you leave this place. The first time you arrive at a new place, stop the trip manually. Then from the auto logged trip, tap the Create New Place button next to the To field address. Create a Place for this new location. When you leave this new Place, a Trip will be started. When you arrive back at your previous location, the trip will be auto stopped and logged. Remember, your Places are used to automate your trip logging when using the Auto Logging Places Logging Mode.

No. We recommend adding a couple of places you frequently visit. This is just so that you become familiar with the process and associated requirements. You can add, edit, or delete places at any time. You can then let Trip Logbook help you create the rest of your places as you visit each location. If Trip Logbook detects a vehicle disconnect and that you are at a new location, the logged trip will include this icon . Tap on the icon to create a place for the new location. Future trips to or from this location will be logged using the place details.

Yes, you can still log and edit your trips manually irrespective of the selected logging mode. You can also manually start and end trips whenever you want.